Monday, March 21, 2011

"Common Sense does not apply"

Apparently, it is not neccessarily a given that if an employee doesn't show up for a shift or abandons a shift, that said employee will lose his/her job.  In fact, from an employer's point of view that employee just quit their job.  Yet, the State of Oregon does't allow common sense to get in the way of good old fashion coddling and beauracracy. 

According to the State, 1 - employee must have had a warning (in other words, they have had to have done this at least once before so I could warn them that it is wrong not to show up for work), 2 - did the individual know their job was in jeoparday? This is where common sense does not apply - because unless I have an employee manual specifically stating that if an employee is AWOL they will lose their job - they either get to keep their job or they will actually receive unemployment benefits.  3 - What were the circumstances of why the employee didn't tell you they wouldn't be working their shift? Unless they were hit by a car or had a heart attack - I'm sorry, but there is no reason to not take a few seconds and make a phone call.  I have never in my life just walked off a shift.  Finally - an employee is eligilbe for 2 years after walking away from a job in this manner for benefits, even if he/she has had a job since then.  This is perhaps the most galling aspect of all this as it's been almost a year and a half since the situation to which I am referring occured and suddenly is now an issue.  Why after all this time, and holding a job in between, should I be held liable for this person's financial well-being?

Employees have rights, and I do my best to make work environments as good as possible as well as not being a dickhead boss (I've worked for them in the past).  Employers should have rights too.  I should have the right to fire an employee that abandons a shift without fear that it will have an adverse financial affect on me.   Employees at my bar are a close knit family and we all depend on each other to do our jobs.  Those who cannot handle that need not apply.

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